Date Friday 1st November 2019 Holy Places Visited Keresztelő Szent János Római Katolikus Templom [“Saint John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church”], Győrszentiván (exterior) Szent János Apostol és Szent Liborius Püspök Templom [“Saint John the Apostle and Saint Liborius the Bishop Church”], Nagyszentjános (exterior) Distance Travelled Approximately 16 km (10 miles) Route I revisited the local …
Category archives: Nyugat-Dunántúl [Western Transdanubia]
Day 261: Győrszentiván
Date Thursday 31st October 2019 Holy Places Visited Keresztelő Szent János Római Katolikus Templom [“Saint John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church”], Győrszentiván (exterior) Distance Travelled Stayed in Győrszentiván Route I stayed in the town and visited the local parish Church that is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.
Day 260: Győr to Győrszentiván
Date Wednesday 30th October 2019 Holy Places Visited Nepomuki Szent János Kápolna [“Saint John of Nepomuk’s Chapel”], Sziget, Győr (exterior) Kármelita Templom [“Carmelite Church”], Győr Distance Travelled Approximately 8 km (5 miles) Route I revisited Saint John of Nepomuk’s Chapel, the Carmelite Church and the vegan café before walking eastwards out of the city, passing …
Day 259: Győr
Date Tuesday 29th October 2019 Holy Places Visited Bencések Loyolai Szent Ignác Temploma [“Benedictine Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church”], Győr Nagyboldogasszony-Székesegyház (Bazilika) [“Assumption Cathedral (Basilica)”], Győr Kármelita Templom [“Carmelite Church”], Győr (exterior) Nepomuki Szent János Kápolna [“Saint John of Nepomuk’s Chapel”], Sziget, Győr (exterior) Evangélikus Egyházközség Temploma [“Evangelical Parish Church”], Sziget, Győr (exterior) Győri Zsinagóga …
Day 258: Dunaszeg to Győr
Date Monday 28th October 2019 Holy Places Visited Evangélikus Leányegyházközség Temploma [“Evangelical Parish Church”], Győrújfalu (exterior) Krisztus Király Templom [“Christ the King Church”], Győrújfalu (exterior) Szentháromság Templom [“Holy Trinity Church”], Győr (exterior) Distance Travelled Approximately 13½ km (8½ miles) Route This day felt more autumnal, with occasional light rain and temperatures down to around 14°C …
Days 256 & 257: Dunaszeg
Dates Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2019 Holy Places Visited Havas Boldogasszony Templom [“The Blessed Virgin Mary Church”], Dunaszeg Distance Travelled Stayed in Dunaszeg Route I stayed in the small town of Dunaszeg, visiting the local Church for a busy evening service on Saturday and visiting again on Sunday morning. Also on Sunday morning, …
Day 255: Lipót to Dunaszeg
Date Friday 25th October 2019 Holy Places Visited Szent András Templom [“Saint Andrew’s Church”], Ásványráró Szent Rokús Templom [“Saint Rochus’ Church”], Ásványráró Distance Travelled Approximately 12 km (7½ miles) Route It was another warm day (up to 21°C, 70°F) as I did another long walk through rural Hungary. I walked from Lipót through farmland and …