Sunday 1st December 2019
Holy Places Visited
- Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna Templom [“Felsővíziváros Saint Anne Church”], Víziváros, Budapest
- Szent Ferenc Sebei Templom [“Saint Francis Church”], Víziváros, Budapest (exterior)
- Szent Flórián Görög Katolikus Templom [“Saint Florian Greek Catholic Church”], Budapest
- Unitárius Templom [“Unitarian Church”], Lipótváros, Budapest (exterior)
- Református Egyházközség [“Reformed Parish Church”], Lipótváros, Budapest
- A Hazatérés Temploma [“Returning Home Church”], Lipótváros, Budapest (exterior)
- Szent István Bazilika [“Saint Stephen Basilica”], V. Kerület, Budapest
- Deák Téri Evangélikus Templom [“Deák Square Evangelical Church”], V. Kerület, Budapest (exterior)
- Dohány Utcai Zsinagóga [“Dohány Street Synagogue”], Budapest
- Belvárosi Ferences Templom [“Belváros Franciscan Church”], Belváros, Budapest
- Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia [“Belvárosi Assumption Parish Church”], Belváros, Budapest
- Orosz Ortodox Templom [“Russian Orthodox Church”], Belváros, Budapest (exterior)
- Árpád Házi Szent Erzsébet Templom [“Arpad Home Saint Elizabeth Church”], Budapest (exterior)
Distance Travelled
Stayed in Budapest
After having lunch in a vegan restaurant I visited three Churches on the west side of the river before walking over Margit Híd [“Margaret Bridge”] to the eastern side of the city. It was only around 4°C (39°F) and was chilly and windy on the bridge.
I visited some more Churches and then the grand “Saint Stephen Basilica”, where there was a large Christmas market in the square in front. I then visited a nearby Evangelical Church, followed by the impressive “Dohány Street Synagogue” (the biggest in Europe and the second-biggest in the world) where I met Esther who kindly explained many things to me about the Holy building.
Later that evening I visited more Churches and joined a service in the “Belvárosi Assumption Parish Church”. Under the night sky I walked back over to the western side of the city via the Széchenyi Lánchíd [“Széchenyi Chain Bridge”].