
Monday 2nd December 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Tabáni Alexandriai Szent Katalin Plébániatemplom [“Tabán Alexandrian Saint Catherine Church”], Tabán, Budapest (exterior)
  • Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia [“Belvárosi Assumption Parish Church”], Belváros, Budapest
  • Assisi Szent Ferenc Templom [“Saint Francis of Assisi Church”], Belső-Ferencváros, Budapest (exterior)
  • Emlékezet Temploma [“Memory Church”], Tisztviselőtelep, Budapest (exterior)
  • Magyarok Nagyasszonya Templom [“Our Lady of Hungarians Church”], Tisztviselőtelep, Budapest (exterior)
  • Szent Kereszt Templom [“Holy Cross Church”], Népliget, Budapest (exterior)

Distance Travelled

Approximately 12½ km (8 miles)


Overnight there had been some heavy snowfall and Budapest was covered in a blanket of snow. I set off for the Kispest suburb in 0°C (32°F) temperatures.

After visiting a church dedicated to Saint Catherine I crossed the Erzsébet Híd [“Elizabeth Bridge”] and revisited the Assumption Parish Church, also visiting it’s onsite museum.

I then headed on through wet, cold snow, passing three churches on the way to Népliget Park. After walking across the snow-covered park I visited the nearby Holy Cross Church, then walked on to Kispest.

Thank you to Mari and Aggie for hosting me.