
Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th December 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Hit Gyülekezete [“Faith Church”], Újhegyi Lakótelep, Budapest (exterior)
  • Nagyboldogasszony Római Katolikus Templom [“Assumption Roman Catholic Church”], Kispest, Budapest
  • Budapesti Evangélikus Gyülekezet [“Budapest Evangelical Church”], Kispest, Budapest (exterior)
  • Budapest-Kispest Központi Református Templom [“Budapest-Kispest Central Reformed Church”], Kispest, Budapest (exterior)

Distance Travelled

Stayed in the Kispest suburb of Budapest


On Tuesday it was around 3°C (34°F) as I visited neighbouring churches surrounded by Sunday night’s settled snow and ice. I visited the “Faith Church” then the “Assumption Roman Catholic Church”, where I had an interesting talk with a man named Tibor. I then visited the nearby “Evangelical Church” before returning to my accommodation.

On Wednesday I revisited the “Assumption Roman Catholic Church” and “Evangelical Church” and also visited the local “Central Reformed Church” for the first time.

Thank you to Mari and Aggie for hosting and providing food.