From Wednesday 18th December 2019 the pilgrimage is on hold. I travelled back to the UK for the festive season and then went to India, where I am currently. The plan is to one day soon return to Gödöllő in Közép-Magyarország [Central Hungary] to then complete the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Thank you for your support.
Category archives: Daily Summaries & Photos
Day 308: Gödöllő
Date Tuesday 17th December 2019 Holy Places Visited Evangélikus Templom [“Evangelical Church”], Gödöllő (exterior) Gödöllő Református Templom [“Gödöllő Reformed Church”], Gödöllő (exterior) Szentháromság Római Katolikus Templom [“Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church”], Gödöllő (exterior) Nagyboldogasszony Bazilika [“Assumption Basilica”], Gödöllő Distance Travelled Stayed in Gödöllő Route Aggie kindly rejoined the pilgrimage and we walked into the town …
Day 307: Kerepes to Gödöllő
Date Monday 16th December 2019 Holy Places Visited Szent László Templom [“Saint Ladislaus Church”], Kerepes (exterior) Gödöllői Görögkatolikus Templom [“Gödöllő Greek Catholic Church”], Gödöllő (exterior) Distance Travelled Approximately 9½ km (6 miles) Route It was another sunny morning, with temperatures up to 10°C. I walked to the nearby town of Gödöllő that has an important …
Day 306: Kerepes
Date Sunday 15th December 2019 Holy Places Visited Szent László Templom [“Saint Ladislaus Church”], Kerepes Distance Travelled Stayed in Kerepes Route It was a sunny day and I joined the morning service in the local church. Afterwards I took some pictures of the impressive stained-glass windows depicting four female and four male Saints: Saint Agnes, …
Days 304 & 305: Kerepes
Date Friday 13th and Saturday 14th December 2019 Holy Places Visited Szent László Templom [“Saint Ladislaus Church”], Kerepes (exterior) Distance Travelled Stayed in Kerepes Route I stayed in Kerepes, each day walking through a large Természetvédelmi Terület [“Nature Reserve”] and visiting a small church dedicated to the Hungarian Saint Ladislaus I.
Day 303: Kerepes
Date Thursday 12th December 2019 Holy Places Visited Szent Anna Templom [“Saint Anne Church”], Kerepes (exterior) Distance Travelled Stayed in Kerepes Route I stayed in the town of Kerepes, visiting the local church dedicated to the Mother of Mary and Grandmother of Jesus, Saint Anne.
Day 302: Cinkota, Budapest to Kerepes
Date Wednesday 11th December 2019 Holy Places Visited Református Templom [“Reformed Church”], Kistarcsa (exterior) Distance Travelled Approximately 6 km (3½ miles) Route I chatted to Hussain over breakfast and thanked him and his wife for the hotel accommodation before setting off for Kerepes, a town beyond the Budapest city limits in Közép-Magyarország [Central Hungary]. It …