Monday 16th December 2019
Holy Places Visited
- Szent László Templom [“Saint Ladislaus Church”], Kerepes (exterior)
- Gödöllői Görögkatolikus Templom [“Gödöllő Greek Catholic Church”], Gödöllő (exterior)
Distance Travelled
Approximately 9½ km (6 miles)
It was another sunny morning, with temperatures up to 10°C. I walked to the nearby town of Gödöllő that has an important place of pilgrimage: a Basilica dedicated to Saint Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, that I was to visit the next day.
After the visiting the local church one more time, I walked through the open countryside and woodland of Gödöllő Tájvédelmi Körzet [“Gödöllő Protected Landscape Area”] to the town, visiting a new Greek Catholic Church along the way.