
Tuesday 29th October 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Bencések Loyolai Szent Ignác Temploma [“Benedictine Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church”], Győr
  • Nagyboldogasszony-Székesegyház (Bazilika) [“Assumption Cathedral (Basilica)”], Győr
  • Kármelita Templom [“Carmelite Church”], Győr (exterior)
  • Nepomuki Szent János Kápolna [“Saint John of Nepomuk’s Chapel”], Sziget, Győr (exterior)
  • Evangélikus Egyházközség Temploma [“Evangelical Parish Church”], Sziget, Győr (exterior)
  • Győri Zsinagóga [“Győr Synagogue”], Sziget, Győr (exterior)
  • Győri Református Templom [“Győr Reformed Church”], Sziget, Győr (exterior)
  • Urunk Színeváltozása Templom (Szent József Templom) [“Transfiguration Church (Saint Joseph Church)”], Sziget, Győr (exterior)
  • Szent Miklós Püspök Görög Katolikus Templom [“Saint Michael the Bishop Greek Catholic Church”], Győr
  • Szent Rókus és Sebestyén Templom [“Saint Roch and Sebastian Church”], Sziget, Győr (exterior)

Distance Travelled

Stayed in Győr


On another rainy day I walked into the centre of Győr, where I had a lunch in an all-vegan café. I then walked around the city centre and the nearby area of Sziget, visiting many beautiful Churches, an impressive Basilica and a large, ornate Synagogue.

Both Saint Ignatius’ Church and the Basilica had some renovation work going on but fortunately I was still able to go inside.

My thanks to the kind lady at the Greek Catholic Church who let me visit even though it was closed at the time.