Date Friday 16th August 2019 Holy Places Visited Alter Dom [“Old Cathedral”], Linz Stadtpfarrkirche [“City Parish Church”], Linz Distance Travelled Approximately 91½ km (57 miles) by boat and approximately 10½ km (6½ miles) on foot. Route I took a morning boat trip from Passau along the Danube to Linz, passing from Deutschland to Österreich [Germany …
Category archives: Deutschland [Germany]
Day 206: Deggendorf to Passau
Date Thursday 15th August 2019 Holy Places Visited Kathedrale zum Heiliger Stephanus [“Cathedral of Saint Stephen”], Passau Stadtpfarrkirche Sankt Paul [“Town Parish Church of Saint Paul”], Passau Marianische Votivkirche [“Marian Votive Church”], Passau (exterior) Evangelisch-Lutherische Stadtpfarrkirche Sankt Matthäus [“Evangelical-Lutheran Town Parish Church of Saint Matthew”], Passau (exterior) Distance Travelled Approximately 59½ km (37 miles) by …
Day 205: Deggendorf
Date Wednesday 14th August 2019 Holy Places Visited Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt [“Town Parish Church of Mary’s Assumption”], Deggendorf Gedächtnisstätte für die Opfer der Kriege und Mahnmal für den Frieden (ehemalige Sankt-Oswald-Kapelle) [“Memorial Place for the Victims of the Wars and Monument for Peace (formerly Saint Oswald’s Chapel)”], Deggendorf Distance Travelled Stayed in Deggendorf Route I …
Day 204: Plattling to Deggendorf
Date Tuesday 13th August 2019 Holy Places Visited Magdalena Kirche [“Magdalene Church”], Plattling Sankt Wendelin Kapelle [“Saint Wendelin Chapel”], Schiltorn Fischerdorfer Kapelle [“Fischerdorfer Chapel”], Fischerdorf, Deggendorf (exterior) Distance Travelled Approximately 12 km (7½ miles) Route My accommodation the previous night was managed by Wolfgang, and we had a nice chat as I was checking out. …
Day 203: Aiterhofen to Plattling
Date Monday 12th August 2019 Holy Places Visited Church, Straußkirchen Chapel, Plattling Distance Travelled Approximately 23 km (14½ miles) Route I headed east out of Aiterhofen, following quiet roads and farm tracks to the village of Straußkirchen and on to the town of Plattling.
Days 201 & 202: Aiterhofen
Date Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th August 2019 Holy Places Visited Historische Kirche Sankt Margaretha [“Historical Church of Saint Margaret”], Aiterhofen Kloster Sankt Josef [“Monastery of Saint Joseph”], Aiterhofen (exterior) Distance Travelled Stayed in Aiterhofen. Route On Saturday evening I visited the local church dedicated to Saint Margaret and joined the evening service. The next …
Day 200: Hofdorf to Aiterhofen
Date Friday 9th August 2019 Holy Places Visited Expositurkirche Sankt Michael [“Expositus Church of Saint Michael”], Hofdorf (exterior) Kirche Mariä Himmelfahrt [“Church of Mary’s Assumption”], Pondorf (exterior) Church, Kößnach (exterior) Wallfahrtskirche [“Pilgrimage Church”], Sossau Basilika Sankt Jakob [“Basilica of Saint James”], Straubing Distance Travelled Approximately 24½ km (15 miles) Route On another hot day, with …