
Friday 29th November 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Karácsonyi Kis Jézus Templom [“Christmas Little Jesus Church”], Rómaifürdő, Budapest (exterior)
  • Szent Péter és Pál Templom [“Saint Peter and Paul Church”], Óbuda, Budapest (exterior)
  • Óbudai Evangélikus Egyházközség [“Óbuda Evangelical Parish Church”], Óbuda, Budapest (exterior)
  • Jó Pásztor Templom [“Good Shepherd Church”], Óbuda, Budapest (exterior)
  • Sarlós Boldogasszony Templom [“Blessed Virgin Church”], Újlak, Budapest
  • Szent István Kápolna [“Saint Stephen Chapel”], Felhévíz, Budapest (exterior)
  • Szent István Templom [“Saint Stephen Church”], Országút, Budapest

Distance Travelled

Approximately 13½ km (8½ miles)


I headed towards the Danube river, passing a Church along the way, and then headed south towards the Buda area of the capital city, Budapest. There was occasional rain showers as I walked along and I visited numerous impressive Churches and a Chapel along the way.