Wednesday 7th August 2019
Holy Places Visited
- Kirche Sankt Immaculata [“Church of the Saint of the Immaculate”], Kapfelburg
- Chapel, Lohstadt (exterior)
- Katholische Kirche Mariä Himmelfahrt [“Catholic Church of Mary’s Assumption”], Sinzing
- Alt Kirche [“Old Church”], Sinzing
- Krankenhauskirche Sankt Pius V. [“Hospital Church of Saint Pius V”], Westernviertel, Regensburg
- Schottenkirche Sankt Jacob [“Scots Church of Saint Jacob”], Regensburg (exterior)
- Evangelisch-Lutherische Dreieinigkeitskirche [“Evangelical-Lutheran Trinity Church”], Regensburg (exterior)
Distance Travelled
Approximately 19½ km (12 miles)
Before setting off on the day’s walk I visited the local church in Kapfelburg. Approaching from the east I walked up many steps on a narrow path that has alongside it the fourteen Stations of the Cross.
With a thunderstorm passing overhead and regular rain showers, I continued on, following the Danube River downstream towards the city of Regensburg, passing a large solar farm by Gundelshausen.
I passed through Lohstadt and into Sinzing, where I visited the “Church of Mary’s Assumption” that had three statues of archangels on the front façade: Michael in the centre with Gabriel and, presumably, Raphael either side holding trumpets.
I carried on into Regensburg, crossing the Sinzinger railway bridge over the Danube River, and visited more churches before arriving at my accommodation late in the evening.