Monday 6th May 2019
Holy Places Visited
- Urheiligtum [“Original Sanctuary”] Chapel, Schönstatt
- Heiligtum Coenaculum [“Cenacle Sanctuary”] Chapel, Schönstatt
- Tabor Heiligtum [“Tabor Sanctuary”] Chapel, Schönstatt
- Zion Heiligtum [“Zion Sanctuary”] Chapel, Schönstatt
- Moriah Heiligtum [“Moriah Sanctuary”] Chapel, Schönstatt
- Kirche St. Rochus [“Church of St. Roch”], Simmern (exterior)
- Kirche St. Pankratius [“Church of St. Pancras”], Koblenz
- Katholische Pfarramt Koblenz Rechte Rheinseite [“Catholic Parish Church of Koblenz on the Right Side of the Rhine”], Koblenz (exterior only as seemingly closed for restoration)
Distance Travelled
Approximately 14 km (8½ miles)
I said good bye to Sister Lourdes, Mariana and Leo, then visited Schönstatt’s famous Urheiligtum chapel. I then headed eastwards up the hill, visiting four replica chapels. Each one looks similar on both the outside and inside to the original chapel.
Headed south-west back towards the Rhein and city of Koblenz, passing through the village of Simmern, to my accommodation near the east bank of the river.