
Friday 6th December 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Hetednapi Adventista Egyház – Sashalmi Gyülekezet [“Seventh-day Adventist Church – Sashalom Church”], Sashalom, Budapest (exterior)
  • Rákosszentmihály-Sashalmi Református Gyülekezet [“Rákosszentmihály-Sashalom Reformed Church”], Sashalom, Budapest (exterior)
  • Budapesti Krisztus Király Templom [“Budapest Christ King Church”], Sashalom, Budapest (exterior)

Distance Travelled

Stayed in the Sashalom suburb of Budapest


With temperatures still freezing, I visited three nearby Churches. The first was a Seventh-day Adventist Church, the second a Reformed Church and the third an Ecclesia Communion Catholic Church.

I also visited the snow-covered Sashalmi Park and walked through the Helytörténeti Fasor [“Local History Passage”], which consisted of a small avenue of young trees, with each tree planted in remembrance of someone who had lived in the local area.