
Friday 15th November 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Fájdalmas Szűz-Kápolna [“Sorrowful Virgin Chapel”], Esztergom (exterior)

Distance Travelled

Approximately 9 km (5½ miles)


I walked up the Szent Tamás Kálvária Lépscó [“Saint Thomas Calvary Steps”] to the Chapel on Saint Thomas Hill that commerates the crucifixion, both through it’s name, the “Sorrowful Virgin Chapel”, and through the three large cross sculptures beside it.

I appreciated the view back towards the Basilica before walking on through to the edge of Estergom, where I followed a track alongside the Szent György Árok [“Saint George Foss”] to the Danube River. Here I rejoined the Eurovelo cycle route and walked eastwards and downstream to the village of Búbánatvölgy, which is nestled within a large forest close to the river.

Claire rejoined the pilgrimage in the evening.