Thursday 14th November 2019
Holy Places Visited
- Szatmári Irgalmasnővérek Szent Kereszt Felmagasztalása Zárdatemploma [“Merciful Sisters of Szatmar’s Exaltation of the Holy Cross Convent Church”], Esztergom
- Loyolai Szent Ignác-Plébániatemplom [“Saint Ignatius of Loyola Parish Church”], Esztergom (exterior)
- Nagyboldogasszony és Szent Adalbert Főszékesegyház (“Esztergomi Bazilika”) [“Cathedral of Our Lady of Assumption and Saint Adalbert (“Esztergom Basilica”)”], Esztergom
Distance Travelled
Stayed in Esztergom
After having breakfast with my new friend Gary from Ireland, I spent the day walking around Esztergom. I visited the nearby Convent Church and Parish Church and then viewed beautiful artwork in the Keresztény Múzeum [“Christian Museum”].
Later in the afternoon I revisited the Basilica, walking up the path in front of the hill and witnessing the beautiful evening sunshine over the river and city.