
Monday 11th November 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Farský Kostol Najsvätejšej Trojice [“Parish Church of the Most Holy Trinity”], Moča (exterior)
  • Kostol Mena Panny Márie [“Church in the Name of the Virgin Mary”], Kravany nad Dunajom (exterior)

Distance Travelled

Approximately 28 km (17½ miles)


I set off soon after sunrise (07:20) and arrived in the town of Štúrovo around sunset (16:30). I visited Moča’s Catholic Church on my way out of town, then followed footpaths and cycle routes alongside the Danube.

I stopped along the way in the village of Kravany nad Dunajom to climb the metal Vyhliadková Veža [“Sightseeing Tower”] and to visit the local church.