Friday 2nd August 2019
Holy Places Visited
- Kirche Sankt Michael [“Church of Saint Michael”], Kelheim
- Franziskanerkirche [“Franciscan [Abbey] Church”], Kelheim
- Ottokapelle [“Otto’s Chapel”], Kelheim (exterior)
Distance Travelled
Not applicable (stayed in Kelheim)
Spent the day in the town of Kelheim, where the Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal joins the Donau (Danube) River. I walked over to the western edge of the town, where two old churches stand: Saint Michael’s Church, founded in the 12th Century, notable for it’s tall spire, and the neighbouring, larger Franciscan Abbey Church, built in 1461-71.
Back in the centre of the town I revisited Otto’s Chapel, which was formerly attached to a hospital, founded in 1501.