
Friday 5th July 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Frauenkirche Nürnberg – Katholische Kirche [“Our Lady Church Nuremberg – Catholic Church”], Nürnberg
  • Sankt Sebalduskirche Nürnberg – Lutherische Kirche [“Saint Sebaldus Church Nuremberg – Lutheran Church”], Nürnberg
  • Sankt Jacob Evangelische Kirche [“Saint James Evangelical Church”], Nürnberg

Distance Travelled

Not applicable (stayed in Nürnberg)


Visited the northern part of the historical centre, crossing over the Pegnitz River. Visited the ornate Catholic church dedicated to Saint Mary and the Protestant Lutheran church dedicated to Saint Sebaldus of Nuremberg.

Later I revisited the Saint James Church, where I talked to Irwin of the pilgrimage centre. This church is often visited by pilgrims on their way to the Santiago de Compostela cathedral in Spain (the “Camino de Santiago” or “Way of Saint James” pilgrimage).

I then attended an organ concert in the church that was specifically for pilgrims! The music was lovely and was enhanced by the beauty of the church.