
Tuesday 10th December 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Cinkotai Baptista Gyülekezet [“Cinkota Baptist Church”], Cinkota, Budapest (exterior)
  • Cinkotai Evangélikus Gyülekezet [“Cinkota Evangelical Church”], Cinkota, Budapest (exterior)
  • Szent Maria Magdolna Római Katolikus Templom [“Saint Mary Magdalene Roman Catholic Church”], Cinkota, Budapest (exterior)
  • Pu Ji Templom – Magyarországi Kínai Chanbuddhista Egyház [“Pu Ji Temple – Hungarian Chinese Chan Buddhist Congregation”], Cinkota, Budapest

Distance Travelled

Stayed in the Cinkota suburb of Budapest


I visited the nearby Baptist Church followed by the local Protestant Church then Catholic Church. Outside the latter I met Rudi sweeping leaves and he kindly gave me some information about services. I walked on to a nearby Buddhist Temple, where I was kindly met by Shen who said I was welcome to visit.