Sunday 20th October 2019
Holy Places Visited
- Kostol Povýšenia Svätého Kríža [“Church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross”], Bratislava
- Dóm Svätý Martina [“Cathedral of Saint Martin”], Bratislava
- Kostol Nanebovzatia Panny Márie – Notre Dame [“Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary – Notre Dame”], Bratislava
Distance Travelled
Approximately 13½ km (8½ miles)
We walked around the city one more time before saying our goodbyes: Claire and Graeme set off back to the UK, while I set off walking southwards towards Hungary and, ultimately, Jerusalem.
I crossed the Danube over the Starý Most [“Old Bridge”] and walked through the southern part of the city called Petržalka, that features many Soviet-era apartment blocks.
I then joined a busy cycle way that followed the Danube River southwards through the countryside to the town of Rusovce.