
Thursday 10th October 2019

Holy Places Visited

  • Evangelische Heilandskirche [“Evangelical Saviour’s Church”], Krems an der Donau (exterior)
  • Ehemalige Minoritenkirche [“Former Minorites’ [Franciscans’] Church”], Krems an der Donau (exterior)
  • Pfarrkirche Heiliger Nikolaus [“Parish Church of Saint Nicholas”], Krems an der Donau
  • Frauenbergkirche [“Frauenberg Church”], Krems an der Donau
  • Kirche Heiliger Mauritius [“Church of Saint Maurice”], Spitz
  • Elisabethinenkirche [“Elizabeth’s Church”], Landstrasse, Wien (exterior)
  • Rochuskirche [“Rochus’ Church”], Landstrasse, Wien (exterior)
  • Kirche Herz Jesu [“Church of the Heart of Jesus”], Landstrasse, Wien (exterior)

Distance Travelled

Approximately 100 km (62 miles) by boat and approximately 12 km (7½ miles) on foot.


I visited some churches and a hemp shop in Krems and then boarded the boat to Vienna while it was still heading upstream, so was able to visit the town of Spitz to the west, before rejoining the boat to head eastwards and downstream to Wien [Vienna].

On the boat I met Gatty and Annis, a friendly Austrian couple who spoke English.

We docked near Nussdorf, north-west Wien, around 10pm. I then had a two hour walk across the city, mostly beside the Donaukanal [“Danube Canal”], to my accommodation in the south-eastern district of Sankt Marx [“Saint Mark”]. On the way I passed three churches that I revisited in the following days.

The equivalent carbon dioxide emissions from the boat trips have been offset.